Fleet Install Assistant // Axon
Fleet Install Assistant
Started as a hackweek-winning project, Fleet Install Assistant is an example of Successful Service Design before it was a buzz word.
The problem
Hardware footprint in a fleet video system is made up primarily of wireless devices, all talking to each other wirelessly. Successful communication is reliant on accurately inputting the serial number for each device into the Agency Admin portal. The existing process was slow, highly error prone and preventing the install teams from moving faster.
Hardware footprint
Installer Experience
Agency Admin experience
This guided flow proved to be hugely inefficient for agency-wide deployments
The Solution
Hackweek WInning Concept
Mobile App Experience for scanning the hardware QR Codes, and a .CSV bulk upload web experience for the agency admins.
Working prototype in 3 days
Pitched at Hackweek and we were awarded the “Ship It” award, and then told to ship it to customers!
Production Experience
More polished and refined mobile app experience
Admin portal for bulk .CSV-based upload & vehicle config
The Response
So much went into this project, drop me a line if you’d like to know more!